

March 15, 2024


March 15, 2024

State of the Union fallout

President Biden delivered his State of the Union address on Thursday, March 7. For those who missed it, both the video and the transcript can be found here.

The speech was seen as a success for Biden, in that he appeared relatively energized and cogent, in the context of low expectations and widespread concerns about his cognitive ability and physical stamina.

While many felt the speech was more like a stump speech for his campaign than a great moment in Presidential leadership, this defect paled in comparison to the embarrassing Republican response by Alabama Senator Katie Britt, which we will discuss further below.

Key takeaways


As we mentioned in Issue 1 of the 76report, those who champion the proxy war against Russia have a strong tendency to compare Putin to Hitler. This is a rhetorical strategy to put an end to rational discussion and analysis. Biden didn’t hesitate to deploy this analogy. The name Hitler came up in the first few sentences of the speech.

In January 1941, Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union”. Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe… If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you: He will not. - Pres. Joe Biden, SOTU, 3/7/2024

Wars are a commonly used tool of national leaders throughout history when they face domestic challenges and are losing popular support. It therefore makes sense that Biden is positioning Ukraine as an existential battle for the survival of the free world. Voters might ignore the high cost of eggs if they can be convinced a monster is on the loose again on European soil and must be stopped at all costs.

Biden went on to indulge the very debatable proposition that Ukraine can in fact “stop Putin” if we just continue to supply them with weapons. He did not, however, define what stopping Putin actually looks like in practical terms.

Biden also did not address the key strategic problem here. Russia is a nuclear-armed super power that perceives an existential threat to its security if Ukraine were to transition fully into a client state of the U.S. and NATO. Russia has much more to lose than we have to gain in terms of the make-up of the Ukrainian government and its future political alliances, if the conflict were to ever end.

Analogies to World War II also raise the issue of Russian stubbornness in matters of warfare. There is some irony in the comparison of Russia to Nazi Germany, since most historians believe the Russians, above all other countries, deserve the most credit for stopping Hitler. More than 20 million Soviet soldiers and civilians died in WWII, versus approximately 400,000 Americans.

If history is a guide, the Russian population, facing what it perceives as a serious external threat on its doorstep in the form of US/NATO control over Ukraine, will not readily capitulate. Meanwhile, no matter how many billions of “loans” we make to Ukraine to purchase weapons from American defense companies, Ukraine seems to be running out of men.

These complexities remain disturbingly unaddressed. President Biden led with Ukraine and the need for America to maintain an open-ended commitment to funding the war but did not see the need to discuss any details. He spent a few more moments romanticizing himself as the second coming of FDR/Winston Churchill, before moving onto his other favorite topic, January 6th.

Taxes and class warfare

Towards the end of the speech, President Biden went after his oft-mentioned “predecessor” as a representative of “ancient ideas.” Yet the economic policies proposed in the speech (and later clarified in White House documents) were far from novel—unless you consider “tax the rich” a brilliant innovation in political science.

Biden maintained the shrinkflation/greedflation narrative, even spending a few moments in the speech on Snickers bars, which are apparently getting smaller. As we discussed in Issue 1, the goal here is to attach blame for the inflation wave that began with his Presidency to corporate executives, rather than his policies or decisions.

In similar fashion, Biden targeted the “wealthy,” who were mentioned exactly 10 times in the speech. No discussion this time of “white supremacy” or systemic racism, as his speechwriters presumably recognize the country is growing weary of divisive racial rhetoric. Instead, we seem to be back to class warfare. The wealthy, the “super-wealthy,” the billionaires and “the big corporations,” versus regular folks.

With Republican control of the House, the slew of tax hikes Biden is proposing have little chance of becoming reality, but they are certainly worth noting, as circumstances can change.

In addition to higher corporate tax rates, Biden wants to see a tax on unrealized capital gains, which is akin to a wealth tax of the kind that even European governments have abandoned. (Speaking of “old” ideas.)

On the topic of tax increases, there is one economic reality that is underdiscussed and worth raising here. While it is indirect and somewhat hard to appreciate, it’s actually quite significant. It is that inflation itself drives higher taxation due to “bracket creep” and other effects. This is widely agreed upon by economists and really just a logical consequence of progressive taxation methods.

Tax receipts surge as inflation sets in

To the extent the Biden administration has engineered this inflation wave, they have also engineered a behind the scenes tax hike, especially on capital gains.

To illustrate how inflation mechanically drives higher taxation, consider the following scenario. Let’s say you made a $10,000 investment in a stock that appreciated 18% between year-end 2020 and year-end 2023.  Cumulative inflation in that time frame was approximately 18%, so in real terms, you made nothing. But on paper, you have a capital gain of $1,800. If you sold the investment for $11,800, you would hypothetically have to pay capital gains taxes on the $1,800 of nominal gain.

In a low inflation environment, the nominal value of assets does not increase much. In a high inflation environment, nominal values can increase a lot, even if real values are flat or negative. But taxes only apply to nominal increases.

For President Biden to propose further rate increases and new methods of taxation only adds insult to injury to the de facto tax increases that the American economy has already sustained thanks to inflation.

Sen. Katie Britt (R-AL)

The Republican response to Biden’s speech was painful to watch and may be the only part of the evening that is remembered in a few months (excluding perhaps MTG’s festive attire). The response was a disappointment on many levels.

Whatever your political orientation, you should want a thoughtful articulation of your options. Any objective observer would have to acknowledge, with his approval ratings in dangerously low territory, the Biden Presidency has not gone perfectly. From the economy to the border to Ukraine, there are many issues that provide Republicans an opportunity to put forward a meaningfully different alternative.

At the same time, there are many Republican leaders who are capable of delivering a critique of the Biden approach. There are many Republican politicians who could have and would have delivered a competent and strong response.

Instead, what we witnessed was a melodramatic, factually challenged and calculated attempt at emotional and political manipulation. From the very first moments, Sen. Katie Britt’s speech had Saturday Night Live’s opening segment written all over it. SNL rose to the occasion, enlisting Scarlett Johansson (who, unlike Katie Britt, actually is a skilled actress).

Scarlett did not disappoint. Her representation of Katie Britt’s performance is worth studying, not only because it was funny, but because it reveals how certain Republican messages and themes are likely to be perceived by younger audiences and centrist voters, if delivered poorly.

State of the Union Cold Open - SNL

SNL roasts Katie Britt

In defense of the political consultants who choreographed Britt’s performance, at least it revealed a recognition of one of the major electoral challenge Republicans face, which is winning over female voters in half a dozen critical states. But this was a complete and total backfire. If anyone can see through an act like this, it would be the very suburban soccer moms who they were trying to sway.

On the issues, Republicans have a strong hand to play. It would make sense for them to promote voices that are authentic and credible, who can appeal to reason and common sense. As Trump has demonstrated, voters respond to authenticity. They want a real person in charge of their country, not a concoction of attributes that are perceived to be important.

Whatever set of emotional responses Britt’s handlers figured they would be triggering in the American public, particularly swing voters, all they got was a loss of confidence.


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