

June 28, 2024

AI, Tesla, Apple, Bud Light, BRICS, Trump and More…

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How to Play AI

Stocks like NVIDIA (NVDA), Apple (AAPL) and Broadcom (AVGO) have driven the market to new heights over the past month. We discuss the profound impact of the Artificial Intelligence theme on the market broadly and the various avenues available to investors to gain exposure to AI, as well as the risks.

NVIDIA: Buy or Sell? Trish Regan, Rob Hordon Weigh the Risks and Rewards

Taking a Diversified Approach to the AI Boom

Apple Intelligence

Among the big AI winners in recent sessions is Apple (AAPL), after the company announced Apple Intelligence. We explain how Apple Intelligence will work and why its partnership with OpenAI has drawn criticism from Elon Musk and others.

Apple Intelligence: SHARES FLY as Elon Throws Shade

Apple Intelligence: Shares Fly as Elon Throws Shade

Tesla Dumps Delaware

Tesla (TSLA) shareholders recently voted to reincorporate the company in Texas after Delaware courts invalidated their approval of Elon Musk’s compensation package. We explain how this event represents a threat to the East Coast establishment, especially after the formation of the Texas Stock Exchange and with the expected launch of specialized business courts in Texas later this year. We also explore arguments coming from former Attorney General Bill Barr and others as to why the Delaware courts may be imperiling the state’s long-term future as a corporate capital through their embrace of ESG.

Texas SHOWDOWN! TESLA Dumps Delaware

Texas Showdown: Tesla Dumps Delaware

Bud Light

About a year after Bud Light embarked on one of the worst marketing debacles in American corporate history, we assess, from an investment perspective, the impact on Anheuser-Busch (BUD) and competitors like Molson Coors (TAP). There are multiple business and investment lessons to be learned from this experience.

The BUD LIGHT Fiasco: One Year Later

The Bud Light Fiasco: One Year Later

BRICS versus the U.S. Dollar

One of the more significant geopolitical consequences of the war in Ukraine is the movement by emerging market countries, especially those under the BRICS banner, to find a way to extricate themselves from American financial hegemony. We explore the potential long-term consequences for the global economy, including impacts on the U.S. dollar, gold and Bitcoin.

The Fate of the Dollar: BRICS Push Back

The Fate of the Dollar: BRICS Push Back

Trump’s Foreign Policy

Building on the BRICS de-dollarization discussion, we debate whether or not it is fair to characterize Donald Trump’s foreign policy approach as “isolationist” as well as the potential effects on global markets if he were to win in November.

NVIDIA's JENSEN HUANG: From Busboy to Billionaire

What “America First” Means for Markets

Investing Beyond the Index

Most stock market investors have significant exposure to broad market indices like the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq through passive funds and ETFs. We believe having an allocation to vehicles that provide broad market exposure is appropriate and desirable. One consideration, however, is that such vehicles tend to be heavily weighted in a number of mega-cap technology names. We view our Model Portfolios as a resource for investors to find more differentiated investment ideas that are not as heavily represented or correlated with the largest stocks within the major indices.

NVIDIA's JENSEN HUANG: From Busboy to Billionaire

The Search for Differentiated Opportunities

Click HERE to learn more about our Model Portfolio offerings.

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